Saturday , September 21 2024

Lápiz Conciente 9 years ago, They can’t make me compete, they have to give me a Special Sovereign #AyitiMusic

The rapper also stated that his availability with Acroarte is due to the respect he professes to its current president, journalist Wanda Sánchez.

In September 2014,  El Lápiz Conciente  offered an interview in “ Funny with Jochy ”, where he warned the Association of Art Chroniclers ( Acroarte ) that he would only attend  Premios Soberano  again to receive a tribute.

When asked by Jochy Santos, who coincidentally was the host of the  award  ceremony held on Tuesday, why he did not receive a national nomination, the urban singer responded: “They nominated me, but I didn’t go… I didn’t feel like they treated me.” How I should be treated. “They can’t make me compete, they have to give me a  Special Sovereign .”

“When I die they want to make an album of mine, a tribute to me, to go visit my children. El Lápiz is not recognized within 25 years and after he died because he was the one who contributed a lot of hypocrisy,” he added. 

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